Washington Legislation

Draft of Breast Massage Regulations for WAC 246-830

Draft of Breast Massage Regulations for WAC 246-830

My proposed draft of of the Washington State breast massage regulations, as well as the original draft language for comparison, so you can see why I think it is stupid and confusing, doesn't really protect the public, or adequately regulate massage therapists (Read: EPIC FAIL).

Board of Massage Business Meeting : 09-11-2015

Board of Massage Business Meeting : 09-11-2015

If you are excited, confused, scared, fired up, nauseous from all the information going around about WAC changes for massage therapy, here is the latest (not greatest) update from the last Board of Massage Business Meeting.

Proposed Changes to Regulations on Breast Massage in Washington State

Proposed Changes to Regulations on Breast Massage in Washington State

I am writing to let everyone know about proposed changes in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) regarding breast massage in Washington State. This year the WAC for massage therapy is being reviewed and updated - in its ENTIRETY. This is a big undertaking.